
WebVeta allows people to use and manage multiple websites!
Pricing tiers happens on groups of websites named as 'clients'!
You can have multiple clients with free tiers, or few clients on paid tiers and some clients on free tiers.
Sign-up, Login, Create Client, Upgrade Client to paid tiers based on your needs.
If you need any help, in planning, managing refer to Help docs or contact me ( and send an email from your registered email!
Need help or demos? Here are some demo videos and tutorial videos: Videos


Free basic tier!
No credit card required.
Normal text search!
1 domain or 1 blog, no sub-domains
250 web pages!
5,000 search requests per month!
Weekly crawls (Non Prioritized)
Perfect for most small and medium sized websites!
EMail support - 72 hour response

Sign up!
Text Basic - Pay after logging in!

$29.99 / year
Normal text search!
upto 5 seperate domains and sub-domains or 5 seperate blogs or a combination
combined search results of multiple blogs and domains coming soon...
600 web pages!
60,000 search requests per month!
Twice per week crawls (Prioritized)
Perfect for most small and medium sized websites!
EMail support - 24 hour response

Sign up!

Sign up by clicking Login / Register, create client and then upgrade from Free! You can add and manage multiple clients. Use free tier for some clients, use Text Basic for some clients.

Full-Text Premium - Pay after logging in!

$99.99 / year
A.I based additional features
Slightly more accurate full-text and keyword search
1000 web pages
100k search requests per month.

Sign up!

Sign up by clicking Login / Register, create client and then upgrade from Free! You can add and manage multiple clients. Use free tier for some clients, use Text Basic for some clients, use Full-Text Premium for some clients.

Full-Text Premium - Pay after logging in!

$999.99 / year
Everything in Free, Full-Text Premium, RAG Ready Basic
Highly accurate full-text and keyword search
More accurate Neural search, combination of different techniques providing the best of full-text, keyword and neural search.
1500 web pages
150k normal search requests per month.
Introductory offer: no extra charges for embeddings or LLM tokens.

Sign up!

Sign up by clicking Login / Register, create client and then upgrade from Free! You can add and manage multiple clients. Use free tier for some clients, use Text Basic for some clients, use Full-Text Premium for some clients.

Want customized pricing?

Completely customizable pricing!
Significant discounts for non-profits, charities, educational institutions, professors, current students who have own websites etc.

Sign up!

Sign up by clicking Login / Register, and then send an email to ( and send an email from your registered email!

Customized plans starts at $14.99 / year!